Pre Production:
Our group first started out like always thinking of ideas for the video. The tag game idea was agreed on by every member of the team. This makes the video seem more fun and childlike than serious and suspenseful. Next we had to draw our storyboard so our plan could be approved. Then, we walked the route to see where the best place to go was and if it had good lighting to support the video. We knew it was going to take two days to film so we attempted to wear the same clothes throughout but I was the only one who followed instructions for continuity. Also I knew right away I wanted to be an actor in this video but the rest of my group argued about it since they didn't want to be it.
During the first day of filming, we only got about half way through the chase. We had to go through a couple of obstacles to seem like I was catching up to her or slowing down. Also, if we didn't add any obstacles, the chase scene would have gone on forever throughout the school. Day two was mostly in the commons area and main entrance which had great lighting since there are many windows to bring in the natural light. We didn't want to run in straight lines the entire video, so when weaving in and out of the tables in the commons we accomplished that. The end of the video is suppose to be dramatic with the falling scene, me walking up to give the final tag, and walking away as a victor.
Post Production:
For editing the video, we used Adobe Premiere Pro as always. Its layout is easy to use and access your files. So far, we have just been trimming the videos to make them shorter but when you get into higher classes you will work with special effects and much more. After putting all the videos in chronological order, we had to get rid of the audio so we could insert the music. We used ISM Films to get the loyalty free music. I made the music align with the first tag to know that I am serious about this tag game and want to win. Overall this was a fun project because you get to run around the school without teachers yelling at you and it was the most creative project we have done.
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